
  • Gama Ayam Research Team

    In 2018 this research was funded STRANAS research grant (No. 1734/UN1/DITLIT/DIT-LIT/2018) of the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education of Indonesia.

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  • Golden Kamper Beji

    In 2019, this research continues with the funding support of Applied Research (Penelitian Terapan/PT No. 2830/UN1.DITLIT/DIT-LIT/LT/2019) Grant of Ministry of ED15-0734 Research Technology and Higher Education of Indonesia.

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  • Future Targets

    One of our future targets is to build a new semi-intensive mini-farm in furthering the selective breeding of Golden Kamper chicken. New rearing facilities expected to be able to house 100 parentals to speed up selective breeding.

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Phenotypical Characters in Hybrids Chicken of Crossbreeds between Pelung and Cemani

The germplasm variability of Indonesian local chicken is well known and one species known as “Ayam Pelung” originated from West Java is famous for its meat. The present study aimed to observe the phenotype characters i.e. fur color and body weight in crossbreed hybrids of Pelung and Cemani chicken as a potential meat-type breed. The parent stock, in this case, the Cemani

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Effect of Varying Level of Crude Protein and Energy on Insulin-like Growth Factor-I Expression Level in Indonesian Hybrid Chicken

The aims of this study were to investigate the effect of crude protein and energy level in feed on insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-1) expression level in a hybrid chicken (female Layer chicken×male Pelung chicken). The weight highly correlated with the IGF-1 expression level (R2 = 0.8). This moderate growth response to nutrition makes the hybrid chicken

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Isolation of DNA from Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus Linnaeus, 1758) Feather with Lysis Buffer-phenol Chloroform Isoamyl Alcohol Method (PCI) and Chelex Method

DNA extraction material can be obtained from the body part or body of a cell-containing organism. Feather is part of the cover body that contains cells in the base. The use of feathers as a sample of DNA isolation or DNA genome sources minimizes the stress on the chicken and simplifies the sampling process of many birds. The conclusions of this study were the concentration of isolate by chelex method higher than the buffer lysis-PCI method, the purity ratio of buffer

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Phenotypic Performance of Kambro Crossbreeds of Female Broiler Cobb 500 and Male Pelung Blirik Hitam

This research was conducted to measure the phenotypic performance of Kambro crossbreeds of Pelung Blirik Hitam and Broiler Cobb 500. Kambro has the phenotype combination of parental generation based on the phenotype parameter. Based on Body Weight (BT) measurement, Kambro population (n = 17) has an average BT of 1,244.14 ± 453.82 grams significant (p <0.01) to F1 Pelung (n = 7) with an average BT of 602.88 ± 79.93 grams in 8 weeks period with ad libitum diet of standard feed.

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About Us

Gama Ayam Research Team is one of research team based in Laboratory of Genetics and Breeding Faculty of Biology Universitas Gadjah Mada under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. Founded in 2008, Gama Ayam Research Team has a vision to breed, develop and preserve Indonesian native chicken germplasm in an effort to support Indonesia’s food fulfillment and create the independence chicken poultry farmers in particular.

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Golden Kamper Beji

Ongoing Research

Gama Ayam Research Team is a team under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. with the aim to develop a new chicken breed. In 2018 Gama Ayam Research had successfully developed a new breed named Golden Kamper with several prominent qualities. Phenotypic characters of golden feather combined with disease resistance gene and higher productivity of meat and egg. In further research Gama Ayam Research Team under the support of research funding scheme (Penelitian Terapan/PT No. 2830/UN1.DITLIT/DIT-LIT/LT/2019) Grant of Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education of Indonesia is trying to validate both phenotypic and molecular genetics data with the ultimate goal to enter the industrial-scale poultry production.

1 billion Rp
Research Grant

Polymorphism of myostatin gene and its association with body weight traits in a hybrid of GAMA chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus Linn. 1758)

An experiment was conducted to detect SNP of the myostatin gene and its association with the body weight of hybrid chicken crossbreed from F1 Kamper and BC1 Broiler. Four F1 Kamper hens were crossbred with BC1 Broiler rooster. Day old chick (DOC) hatched were maintained for 49 days with body weight measurement every seven days. The blood samples from 49 days old chicken were taken for DNA isolation by Chelex 5% method and then amplification of the myostatin gene. PCR products were sequenced, and sequence alignment was performed using Clustal Omega to obtain SNP. The SNP obtained was analyzed by the Pearson correlation test with the body weight of forty nine-days-old chickens. The body weight of the hybrid chicken is higher than of Pelung chicken but lower than the Broiler. There are 7 SNPs in myostatin gene exons included 2 Adenine insertions, 1 Guanine deletion, and four substitutions (C2244G, G2283A, T4842G, G7378T) that yield nine haplotypes. Six haplotypes had different protein sequences with Myostatin protein, while three haplotypes were identical to Myostatin protein. The correlation analysis showed that there was a strong positive correlation (r = 0.736) between normal Myostatin protein and mutant to chicken body weight at 49-days-old. Adenine insertion to nucleotide 2099-2100 of myostatin gene had a very strong positive correlation (r = 0.800) to 49-days-old chicken body weight, although T4842G substitution had a strong negative relationship (r = -0.773) to 49-days-old chicken body weight. Adenine insertion to nucleotide 2099-2100 of myostatin gene could be a genetic marker of heavier body weight of the hybrid chicken.

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Phenotypic Performance of Kambro Crossbreeds of Female Broiler Cobb 500 and Male Pelung Blirik Hitam

I Wayan Swarautama Mahardhika*, Budi Setiadi Daryono

Polymorphism of myostatin gene and its association with body weight traits in a hybrid of GAMA chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus Linn. 1758)


Osteogenesis Study of Hybrids of Indonesia’s Native Chicken Pelung (Gallus gallus domesticus) with Broiler (Gallus gallus domesticus)

1Bambang Retnoaji, 1Retno Wulandari, 1Luthfi Nurhidayat and 2Budi S. Daryono

Email: bs_daryono@mail.ugm.ac.id

    Head of Gama Ayam Research Team

    Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono M.Agr.Sc.


    1. 1995


      Universitas Gadjah Mada
    2. 2002


      Tokyo University of Agriculture
    3. 2005


      Tokyo University of Agriculture