Gama Ayam Research Team
Gama Ayam Research Team is one of research team based in Laboratory of Genetics and Breeding Faculty of Biology Universitas Gadjah Mada under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. Founded in 2008, Gama Ayam Research Team has a vision to breed, develop and preserve Indonesian native chicken germplasm in an effort to support Indonesia's food fulfillment and create the independence chicken poultry farmers in particular.
Native chicken has unlimited potential to become broiler-type, egg-type and dual purpose chicken candidate in order to fulfill domestic consumption needs of animal based food through selective and genetic engineering. Native Indonesia chickens are called Kampung chickens or native (non-breed chickens) to differentiate commercial breed such as Cobb, Hubbar, Hybro, Isa Hyline and Hisex. Identification of native chicken germplasm resulted in 34 breeds of chicken consist of Ayunai, Balenggek, Banten, Bangkok, Burgo, Bekisar, Cangehgar, Cemani, Ciparage, Gaok, Jepun, Kampung, Kasintu, Kedu (hitam and putih), Pelung, Lamba, Maleo, Melayu, Merawang, Nagrak, Nunukan, Nusa Penida, Olagan, Rintit atau Walik, Sedayu, Sentul, Siem, Sumatera, Tolaki, Tukung, Wareng, Sabu, and Semau. Approximately 11 native chicken breeds are categorized as candidates of broilertype and laying-type chicken.
Native Indonesia chickens have to be maintained optimally in order to support small scale poultry industry based on native chickens. Native Indonesia chickens germplasm can be the solution for fulfilling the increasingly domestic food consumption demand. Various challenges faced by poultry industry sub sector especially broiler, besides market integration several factors including production, productivity and competitiveness of poultry product. Agribusiness problem in subsystem of broiler chicken poultry is economy efficiency in poultry level added by high cost production inflicted by dependence on imported raw-material of feed. Improvement of efficiency and poultry product quality are decided by supply of superior chicken breed, feed demand fulfillment and good rearing management system.
Improvement of productivity and competitive quality of local broiler chicken can be achieved through selective breeding of native Indonesia chicken breeds. Selective breeding is aimed to produce superior chicken breed with adjusted phenotype quality based on human needs.
Empowerment of native Indonesia chicken can contribute to availibility of food source and support native Indonesia chicken germplasm conservation.